Stuff for Sale in Dallas

Everything needs to be sold. Please invite others to come check it out.

50% to 75% off pending on condition.

Two dates 8/3 and 8/4 Text to make an appointment. No drop ins, we have to know that you are coming.

Lots of dolls, bears, glassware sets, figurines etc
Furniture, clocks 🕰️, beds, China cabinet, grandfather clocks, shelves, clothes. Some antiques and some not. Frames 🖼️, ceramics etc you name it she probably bought it! Piano 🎹 best offer. There is more than just the photos.

Please invite others to come check it out.
There is a video showing everything left posted on YouTube and Facebook Market Place. I will send the video link if you want to see what all there is left to buy.


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